We Make Ritual Noise
For a festival that I attend, I’m writing a soundscape in boodler to provide the vocal component for a ritual. Here, I’m going to annotate what I need to do to run Boodler on my laptop, which I’ll have at the festival.
The main thing is that Boodler seems to default to OSS, and I use PulseAudio, so to invoke the ritual, you need to run:
boodler -o pulse –external disturbingrelics com.gizmosmith.disturbingrelics/Example
The -o option tells it to use PulseAudio, –external makes it load from a directory instead of a .boop package for testing purposes, and the rest is the agent to run.
To organize all the sound clips I’m using, I have a boodler package for each person’s reading of the ritual script. The script is in a call and response format, with 14 calls and responses, so each package has 28 audio clips, one each for the call and response. I named all the clips “call_N_…” and “response_N_…” (for N in 1..14) so that the program can figure out the call/response pairs by name.
Each package starts out as a directory with the 28 files and a metadata file in them. For the directory “sage”, I create the package with:
boodle-mgr –import create sage
and then install it with:
boodle-mgr install ./com.gizmosmith.sage.1.0.boop
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