TF-IDF in Python

I am trying to process a bunch of text generated by human users to figure out what they are talking about, in the context of an experiment where there were robots a person could be controlling, a few target areas the robots could move to, and a few things they could move, like a crate. One thing that occurred to me was to use TF-IDF, which, given a text and a collection of texts, tells you what words in the text are relatively unusual to that particular text, compared to the rest of the collection.

It turns out that that’s not really what I wanted, because the words that are “unusual” are not really the ones that the particular text is about.

select(1.836) all(3.628) red(2.529) robots(1.517) ((1.444) small(5.014) drag(2.375) near(3.915) lhs(4.321) of(1.276) screen(2.018) )(1.444)

This is a sentence from the collection, and the value after each word is the TF-IDF score for that word. The things I care about are that it’s about robots, and maybe a little that it’s about the left hand side of the screen. “Robots” actually got a pretty low score (barely more than “of”), but “small” got the highest score in the sentence.

At any rate, this is how I did my TF-IDF calculation. Add documents to the object with add_text, get scores with get_tfidf. It uses NLTK for tokenization, you could also use t.split(” “) to break strings up on spaces.

class TFIDF(object):
  def __init__(self):
    #Count of docs containing a word
    self.doc_counts = {} = 0.0

  def add_text(self, t):
    #We're adding a new doc += 1.0
    #Get all the unique words in this text
    uniques = list(set(nltk.word_tokenize(t)))
    for u in uniques:
      if u in self.doc_counts.keys():
        self.doc_counts[u] += 1
        self.doc_counts[u] = 1

  def get_tfidif(self, t):
    word_counts = {}
    #Count occurances of each word in this text
    words = nltk.word_tokenize(t)
    for w in words:
      if w in word_counts.keys():
        word_counts[w] += 1
        word_counts[w] = 1
    #Calculate the TF-IDF for each word
    tfidfs = []
    for w in words:
      #Word count is either 0 (It's in no docs), or the count
      w_docs = 0
      if w in self.doc_counts.keys():
        w_docs = self.doc_counts[w]

      #the 1 is to avoid div/zero for previously unseen words
      idf = math.log(
      tf = word_counts[w]
      tfidfs.append((w, tf * idf))
    return tfidfs



I may be the first to come up with this terrible neologism, but the time for it is certainly at hand. There have been a number of high-profile incidents where the security of stuff that was connected to the Internet was neglected in the rush to get it connected, or highly dubious design decisions were made in order to get an IoT “thing” to market.

The term originally came up when I was discussing this widget with a friend of mine. The NodeMCU boards are pretty sweet, and are based on the ESP-8266, which is also pretty sweet. The motor driver chip they used is from the 1970s, and there are far better ones available. The VNH2SP30 is a beast, and can supply 10x the current of the L293D, although you’d need two of them for dual motors, so there may be a horses for courses argument to be made there.

The DDoS that took out Krebs On Security, though, doesn’t really have a similar argument going for it. IoT security is hard because the devices don’t have a great interface for users to tighten up their security settings (if indeed, they have any security settings), and users don’t expect to have to tighten up the security of their appliances. As a result, insecure IoT stuff just kind of hangs out in dubious parts of the web, waiting for someone to make it a questionable offer of employment.

To the people who make things incomplete, weak, or insecure, I dedicate this new word:

IoTiot noun, informal

  1. A person or company that creates IoT devices lacking security, solid design, or even a purpose, usually in order to make a quick grab for cash.
  2. Any such device, once it starts behaving as it was designed (which is to say “badly”).

Similarly: IoTiotic, IoTiots, IoTiocy


The ancient Roman computer

I was recently assembling a slide deck on assistive technology and the sort of gradient that exists between assistive devices and human enhancement. We already have the technology to build exoskeletons that can give their user increased strength, or allow them to work longer with less fatigue (albeit only in specific types of tasks). These are physical enhancements, the same way that e.g. reading glasses on a person with normal vision act as magnifiers, and give them better close-in vision. The existence of physical enhancements begs the question of whether we can also have cognitive enhancements.

Donald Norman describes the use of Arabic numerals as a “cognitive artifact”, a tool that we use because it makes mathematical operations easier. One alternative in Western civilization is the Roman numeral system, which uses letters to represent values. The Roman numerals are I (1),  V (5),  X(10), L(50), C (100), D (500), and M (1000). So far so good, but Roman numerals are not a place-based system. Instead, the value of a number is a summation based on rules:

  1. Read from left to right, summing up values.
  2. Iif the number you are looking at is bigger than the number to its right, add it to the total.
  3. If the number you are looking at is smaller than the number to its right, subtract the number you’re looking at from the one to its right and add that.

So VI is 6 (5 + 1), but IV is 4 (5 -1), and VC is 95. The current year is MMXVII (1000 + 1000 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1), which is OK to decode, but 1998 was MCMXCVIII or 1000 + (1000 – 100) + (100 – 10) + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1.  Looking at the Arabic expansion, the -100 and +100 cancel out, so it could be reduced to 1000 + 1000 – 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1, so MXMVIII. There’s a trick to make addition of Roman numerals easier, which Norman describes, but doing multiplication is something of a nightmare.

I recently got to thinking about writing a Roman numeral library for a programming language, so that you could put this sort of thing in a program. This has no doubt been done already, so I’m not going to redo it, but my first thought was that I’d just write a translation from Roman to Arabic numerals (which pretty much all programming languages use already) and back, and then I’d do the math in Arabic numerals. That’s not a Roman numeral library, though. That’s an Arabic library with a Roman presentation layer.

Unfortunately, on most computer architectures, there’s no other way to do it. The binary ALU in processors is a place-value based system. It’s essentially Arabic numerals for people with one finger, where you carry to the next higher place as soon as you have more than one of something. An implementation of Roman numerals on pretty much any CPU will be turned into an Arabic-like representation before it gets operated on.

This got me thinking about what it would be like to attempt to build an ALU, or a simple handheld four-function calculator, that operated in Roman numerals natively. That is to say, the voltages in the various “bits” would represent I, V, X, L, C, D, and M, instead of a place-based binary representation. This immediately runs into a LOT of problems. For starters, the cool thing about binary is that you operate the transistors in switching mode, either on or off, rather than linear mode. Current either flows with minimal resistance, or doesn’t flow. In linear mode, to get multiple voltages, the transistors act as resistors, dissipating some of the power as heat. After that, you have to deal with the context-based values, rather than place-based values. Imagine that we have an adder, with two inputs, A and B, and we feed it A = I, B = V. Clearly, the output has to be, uh… well, it has to be 4, but there isn’t a numeral for that. There’s no single-digit Roman numeral that is 4. But lets say that we don’t care about not having a representation, and that this is just an analog computer. And so that our heads don’t explode trying to keep things straight, lets say that the voltage for ‘4’ is a little less than the voltage for V, but 4 times the voltage for I. This is nice because the voltage for IIII is the same as the voltage for IV. So far so good, but now we give our adder A = V, B = I, and it has to put out ‘6’, which we also don’t have a representation for. We’re clever, it’s analog, the voltage that represents ‘6’ is the voltage for ‘V’ plus the voltage for ‘I’. So if A > B, the output is A + B, if A < B, the output is A-B, and if A = B, the output is A + B (VV is 10, I suppose, but so is X). This is all doable, I’m sure, probably with op-amps, some of which would be acting as comparators, but it’s complex. More complexity is more transistors and components, and so more waste heat and chances to get the wiring wrong.

Annoyingly, that’s not the end of our problems. In the last couple of paragraphs, there are some ambiguous representations of numbers. VV is 10, but so is X. In Arabic numerals, 9 is 9, and 9 is the only digit that’s 9. Arabic also has the nice property that you can guess about how big the representation of the result is, based on the size of the operands. There’s no way to add a 4 digit number and a four digit number (assuming they’re both positive), and get a 2 digit number, or a 12 digit number. Adding II to MXMVIII gets you XX. Multiply two Arabic numbers, and the result will be about the length of the two numbers stuck end to end, +/-1. Division will be the difference in length of the numbers (I’m handwaving here and ignoring fractions). Multiply two Roman numerals, and your guess is as good as mine (As Norman points out, the written length of an Arabic numeral is also a rough gauge of it’s value. 1999 (length 4) is bigger than 322 (length 3), but MXMVIII (length 7) is less than MM (length 2)). There may be some regularities, but I’m not about to sit down and work them out. If anyone does, the bound on the Roman computer word size would be whatever number is longest and less than whatever size of MACHINE_MAX_INT you feel like implementing in the silicon space and power-hungry representation that the machine uses. As a result, a natively Roman calculator would potentially have very long “words” or “bytes”, much of which would go unused most of the time.

Roman numerals also didn’t have a standard representation for fractions, although they apparently sometimes used a duodecimal system for them (yes, two different number systems, one for integers and one for fractions). Roman numerals also had no formal representation at all for zero, although the Romans clearly understood the idea of zero (You have ten dinars, and you owe me ten dinars. I collect your debt, how many tunics can you buy now?). They used “nulla” or “nihil” sometimes, and represented it with an N, but they wouldn’t have written 500 as VNN.  They also didn’t represent negative numbers at all, although there were probably cases where they understood a subtraction to result in something that wasn’t even zero (You have 10 dinars and owe me 15 dinars. I collect your debt. Clearly you don’t have -5 dinars, but I also clearly don’t consider myself fully repaid).

I’ve heard that the Roman conception of math and numbers was highly geometric, rather than arithmetical, so they did have things like the square root of 2, which is the length of the diagonal of a unit square (you know, a square with sides of length I). Pythagoras figured that one out, at roughly the same time people were using “nulla”. Instead of running on abstractions of the representations of numbers, a properly Native Roman Computer might have been a mechanical device, a calculator that operated by using finely crafted physical representations of circles and triangles to perform its operations. Interestingly, the closest thing we have to a calculator from that time period is exactly that.

More Webcams, Fewer Problems

I want to have two applications using the same webcam under Linux, in my case an app using Kivy to render the webcam view and let people interact with it, and ROS.

My first hope had been to have a Kivy app that subscribed to a ROS image topic and displayed the resulting image, but I’ve spent two days beating on it and only found a variety of ways to make a python program give me a segfault.

The new plan is to use v4l2loopback to create two virtual cameras, and have them both fed from /dev/video0 (the actual camera).

sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=2

That gets me the two devices. The thing is, these devices don’t actually output any video. They’re just fake video devices that a program can write to. There are a lot of instructions on feeding them with ffmpeg. For some reason, my computer says it has ffmpeg installed, but locate can’t locate it. Instead, I’ve used gstreamer to set up /dev/video1 as a video device that ROS’s usb_cam node can handle, and configured the launch file for usb_cam to read /dev/video1

gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=640,height=480,framerate=15/1 ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video1

That solves half of my problem. The other half is having the second video device get fed, and getting Kivy to read /dev/video2.

gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=640,height=480,framerate=15/1 ! tee name=t ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video1 t. ! queue ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video2

Adding the tee and queue gives me two video devices playing the same video, both fed by /dev/video0. The usb_cam ROS node can read either one of them. The basic Kivy camera app that I bashed together doesn’t work, though. It seems to default to trying to open /dev/video0, and then failing because the gst-launch invocation is using it.

      id: camera
      play: True

Adding index:2 to my Kivy app’s .kv file gets me a kivy app with my video in it. As long as my ROS nodes are looking at /dev/video1 and my Kivy app is looking at /dev/video2, no one steps on anyone’s toes, and they both can operate at the same time.

Lightlocker does not play well with NVida (or something)

If you have an Ubuntu system with an NVida video card, and after suspending and resuming you get a login screen, but after you log in you get a black screen, and using ctrl + alt + F1 gets you a text console, your problem is probably lightlocker. I’ve seen some sites claim that the problem is fixable with sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-* which would be great if you didn’t want video drivers or CUDA. I’d rather hang onto my video drivers, so sudo apt-get remove light-locker makes everything better.

ROS and OpenCV will fite u, m8

I recently wanted to do some computer vision stuff using OpenFace, which is a collection of face-processing computer vision algorithms and tools to use them. It uses OpenCV 3.0.something, which uses, among other things, vtk6, and friends libvtk6-dev and python-vtk6.

Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but I use ROS Indigo, as does the lab I work in. ROS Indigo uses some previous version of vtk, and so attempting to install OpenCV 3.0 blows away my ROS install, and makes apt freak out when I try to install it again. The actual error was something like “you have broken held packages”, only I didn’t actually have held packages OR broken packages.

Apt just gives up at this point. Aptitude, on the other hand, proposes removing the offending VTK packages and proceeding with the ROS install. Only time will tell if I’ve trashed my OpenCV install, but if I have, I can just go back to an older OpenCV version.

Download ALL The Music

Given a file containing a list of songs, one per line, in the format “Artist – Song Title”, download the audio of the first youtube video link on a Google search for that song. This is quite useful if you want to the MP3 for every song you ever gave a thumbs up on Pandora. On my computer, this averages about 4 songs a minute.

The Requests API and BeautifulSoup make writing screenscrapers and automating the web really clean and easy.


# Takes a list of titles of songs, in the format "artist - song" and searches for each
# song on google. The first youtube link is passed off to youtube-dl to download it and 
# get the MP3 out. This doesn't have any throttling because (in theory) the conversion step
# takes enough time to provide throttling. 

import requests
import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from subprocess import call

def queryConverter(videoURL):
	call(["youtube-dl", "--extract-audio",  "--audio-format", "mp3", videoURL])

def queryGoogle(songTitle):
	reqPreamble = ""
	reqData = {'q':songTitle}
	r = requests.get(reqPreamble, params=reqData)
	if r.status_code != 200:
		print "Failed to issue request to {0}".format(r.url)
		bs = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
		tubelinks = bs.findAll("a", attrs={'href':re.compile("watch")})
		if len(tubelinks) > 0:
			vidUrl ="https[^&]*", tubelinks[0]['href'])
			vidUrl = requests.utils.unquote(
			return vidUrl
			print "No video for {0}".format(songTitle)

if __name__=="__main__":
	with open("./all_pandora_likes", 'r') as inFile:
		for line in inFile:
			videoURL = queryGoogle(line)
			if videoURL is not None:

Further Troubles with TinyRobos

The white version of the TinyRobo board that has the missing ground trace also doesn’t have a proper connection for the pullups on the I2C address lines for the motor drivers. The drivers are still there, and scanning the I2C bus with a Bus Pirate (Amazon) showed me that they were at 0x63 and 0x64 on the I2C bus, rather than where I expected them to be (at 0x66 and 0x68). The difference is consistent with a connection that should have been to Vcc being left open.

I’m not wild about the problem, but it did give me an opportunity to set up and use Pulseview/Sigrok, my cheap clone logic analyzer, and my Bus Pirate, so it’s not a total waste.

For my own future reference, as well as anyone else who’s interested, the way to set up the Bus Pirate on Ubuntu is this:

  1. Plug it into a USB port
  2. Open up a terminal and type screen /dev/buspirate 115200 8N1 , where /dev/buspirate is whatever device your bus pirate ended up on. Mine was /dev/ttyUSB0.
  3. The terminal will go blank. Hit enter, and you should get the “HiZ>” Bus Pirate terminal.

The I2C bus scan is run  by hitting “m” to get the menu, “4” to get I2C mode, “3” to set speed to 100kHz, and then “(1)” to run the scan macro.

The cheapo logic analyzer I got is a USBee & Saleae clone, which I got because I’m bad and should feel bad not rich. It has a switch to determine which device it claims to be. In Saleae mode, Sigrok loads an alternate firmware onto it, so I’m not really sure where that falls in the intellectual property/doing the right thing by small businesses framework, but if you can afford one, get a proper USBee or Saleae. They’re much better built (the Saleae Logics in particular are tanks) and have more and better features.

I’m doing all this stuff in Enschede, at U. Twente. I’ve been hanging out with the people in the HMI group, which “does things with stuff”. They do a lot of work with things like proxemics in interaction, socially aware robots and technology, and so forth. There’s something of a distinction here between technical stuff, which is what I do a lot of, and more abstract work with avatars and such. I’m a better fit with the RaM (Robotics and Mechatronics) group, which builds things like pipe-crawling robots and quadcopters.

Bugs in new boards

I seem to have left a ground connection off the PCB, which causes the 3.3v regulator to not work. I’ve fixed it in the PCB design in the repository, but the DirtyPCBs order link goes to a product that doesn’t work, so I still have to fix that.

Since I’m going to have to do a new version of the PCB anyway, I’ve added a blinky light on one of the IO pins so that I can have an additional channel for debug information.

PDB for n00bs

PDB is the python debugger, which is very handy for debugging scripts. I use it two ways.

If I’m having a problem with the script, I’ll put in the line

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

just before where the problem occurs. Once the pdb line is hit, I get the interactive debugger and can start stepping through the program and seeing where it blows up, and what variables are getting set to before that happens.

However, I recently found a very handy second way. I was debugging a script with a curses interface, which cleans up when it exits. Unfortunately, that cleanup means that my terminal gets wiped when something crashes, so instead of a stack trace, I just get dumped back to the terminal when something goes wrong, with no information at all left on the screen.

Invoking the script with

python -m pdb ./

gets me the postmortem debugger, so when something goes wrong, the program halts and I get the interactive debugger and some amount of stack trace. It’s messy looking because of curses, but I can at least see what is going on.