Naming things and "ImportError: No module named msg"
I’m using ROS at school for a project. Part of the project is to detect someone’s hand with a camera, so I’m just looking for a patch of “skin colored*” pixels. ROS organizes software as packages, with nodes in them, and messages that the nodes use to communicate with each other.
For my system, I had a package called “hand_detector” with a source file called “” and a message type called “hand”. ROS generates the messages, which I then import into my python code with the line:
from hand_detector.msg import *
This gets me the error message: “ImportError: No module named msg”
The reason for this is that python searches the same directory as the executing script for imports before it goes looking anywhere else. Since the file is the executing script, and is naturally in the directory with itself, python finds it there, imports it into itself, and then tries to find a module called “msg” within There’s no .msg in there, so I get the error.
The moral of the story here is don’t name your package and the script in it the same thing. Once I converted the script to just “”, the problem went away.
*I’m somewhat concerned that I wrote a “white people detector”, as it’s really just thresholding the H part of the HSV color space and counting pixels. Other color spaces may be better for this, but this doesn’t have to be perfect. I just don’t want the robot to be a dick to black people.
Direct-to-PCB laser printing
“Also, contrary to popular belief, there’s no issue with laser printing on a conductive surface.” – from here.
I’ve seen this in operation at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. There, the flexible/soft robotics lab uses copper tape on plastic substrate to make PCBs, sticks them to a sheet of paper, and runs it through a totally-normal, unhacked laser printer. Copper tape is probably thinner than PCB copper, so it ends up not sinking too much heat away from the fuser. The resulting PCBs can be etched right out of the printer, with no ironing step in the middle.
I have to hit a hardware store at some point this week, perhaps I’ll be able to get copper tape there.
That's Not Helping, Python.
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1384556730.822164] bad callback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/groovy/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 681, in _invoke_callback
File "./", line 81, in callback
File "./", line 68, in getBoard
newImg = cv2.warpPerspective(cvImg, perMat)
TypeError: Required argument 'dsize' (pos 3) not found
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1384556763.964408] bad callback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/groovy/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 681, in _invoke_callback
File "./", line 81, in callback
File "./", line 68, in getBoard
newImg = cv2.warpPerspective(cvImg, perMat, newImg.shape)
TypeError: function takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
Well which is it? Exactly two arguments, or the third positional argument is required?
The real problem is that the shape of newImg is a 3-tuple, and warpPerspective expects a 2-tuple. This StackExchange post hipped me to the bug.
A New Contender!
As I mentioned back in this entry, I don’t think the further development of the ToyBrain controller is useful. The main use case is amply solved by the Pololu Baby Orangutan. However, there is a project that I want something similar for, where the Baby Orangutan won’t work.
The idea behind the project is to make cheap swarm robots out of small robot toys, using something like the ToyBrain or Baby Oranguntan, but with wireless. The Moteino has wireless, but no motor drivers. The Baby Orangutan has motor drivers, but no wireless. The solution, then, appears to be to make a motor driver shield for the Moteino or a wireless shield for the Baby Orangutan. Of the two, I’m more inclined to do the motor shield for the Moteino, but I haven’t done any really analysis.
A Framework for Flow-based Coding
Normally, I think visual presentations of programming languages, such as Labview, are more a problem than a solution, but there is one case where I don’t think that’s the case: when the program is operating on a stream of data, and the program should be able to be changed without stopping the stream. The canonical use case for this, in my opinion, is realtime operation on a video stream. In this case, you can watch the video output change in realtime as operations are added, removed, and modified.
What I was hoping to do, at some point, is to write a set of operations for video that are wrappers for e.g. GStreamer, and by putting them in a visual programming framework. That would give me a set of VJing operations that can be played with in realtime to do things like chromakeying a live video stream on human skin colors or dropping swirling masks on all the faces detected in the video stream.
Pyqtgraph has a lot of promise as a framework for this. My main desire for the framework is that I don’t have to deal with things like handling mouse clicks, and can just get a description of the pipeline and shove data through it. It may be someone already did this, but is dead, so maybe it doesn’t matter if they did.
Microcontroller fun
The Arduino has a huge hobbyist-level codebase and lots of libraries for talking to various devices.
The 8051 is a venerable old processor that still gets used in lots of stuff because it’s cheap, and has a low gate count.
It’s probably possible to port a lot of the Arduino stuff (everything that doesn’t use specific on-chip features) to the 8051, thus allowing people to use the software environment they are comfortable with on a new chip. The same is likely true of PICs, and other chips.
The general case, then, is to create a translation system that automates, as much as possible, the process of porting the Arduino libraries and environment from one chip to another. This is, at a high level, possible because anything a computer with a turing-complete instruction set can do, any other computer with a turing-complete instruction set can also do. The hang-up would be on limitations of real hardware (there’s a lot of cool stuff in there, but no infinite data/instruction tape).
Another silly game idea
Effectively, Sim City meets tower defense, where you build a city and defend it. These sort of exist in some forms, where you build a complex of buildings and have to defend it. However, I’ve never seen one of those that actually deals with buildings and roads as actual things. Vehicular units are stuck with using roads, and can get choked at bridges. Foot units can enter buildings and move through blocks.
The really fun part would be mapping the engine for this onto map data from a real city, so all the roads are real, and you get to run around blowing up someplace real. This part of the engine isn’t even hard, provided you can get the topology of the city and render the map on top of that.
Admittedly, the way this came up was that I was thinking about a browser game where you defend the city of Toronto against the suburbs, and so the attacking units are bankers and soccer moms in SUVs, enemy waves are called “Rush Hour”, a biker can one-shot-kill a cab (and vice versa), you can build the “Gay district” structure (gives you a once-per-year freeze-all-traffic event), or the “Hacklab” and “Site3” structures (which pump out infrastructure hackers and flamethrower troopers), etc.
Potential ToyBrain Substitutes
The point of the ToyBrain project isn’t really to create the ToyBrain hardware. It’s to allow me to have a module that I can drop into children’s toys to add programability. Building the actual ToyBrain modules kind of got off into the weeds a bit, so I’ve taken a look around to see what the prices are like for modules that do more or less what I want. Here’s a comparison.
The Pololu Baby Orangutan. ($20) The Baby Orangutan has a 20MHz ATmega328P microcontroller (32k ROM/2k RAM) and a dual H-Bridge motor driver that can supply around 1A continuious power per channel.
The Cal-Eng MicroDuino ($25) Uses a 16MHz ATmega328P and a dual H-bridge that can supply 800mA per channel.
The Cal-Eng NanoDuino ($35) Essentially the same hardware as the MicroDuino, but about the same size as a penny.
The TinyCircuits TinyDuno + TinyShield Motor ($20 + $20) ATMega328. The motor shield can drive four motors, but has an upper limit of 500mA without heat-sinking, so it would need either a heat sink or for the driver channels to be paralleled. It also needs an $18 programming shield, but that’s a one-time expense. Measures about an inch square, and can be cut down to be round.
Microduino Studio Microduino ($?) Not available yet. Proposed hardware is in line with the others, but the motor driver, programming board, and CPU are all seperate, so the system cost will likely be around $40-60 per system. The proposed motor driver is the A3906, which is a dual 1A H-bridge.
Femtoduino ($12 + $5) ATMega328P microcontroller, 400mA per channel motor driver board. Cheap and very small (dime-sized), but the motor driver is weak.
Digispark + Motor Shield ($9 + $10) ATTiny85 (8K ROM/512 RAM) with 6 IO lines, 4 of which would be used to drive the 1.2A motor drivers. Smaller than a quarter, and very cheap. This probably does not have sufficent IO for my purposes, and is barely cost-competitive with the Baby Orangutan.
Looking at the available competition, if I want something better than just buying hardware, I have to essentially make the Pololu Baby Orangutan, only smaller, and with a higher output current. If there’s a 2A dual H-bridge motor driver IC available, this might be possible, but it won’t be by continuing the development path that I’m on (with a socketed, replacable motor driver). The STMicroelectronics L620x series bridges look good, but cost $7, so my $20 budget for parts would be half-blown on one IC.
For my projects that would have used the ToyBrains, I’m going to use the Baby Orangutan controllers instead. I may eventually see if I can get a small board together that uses the through-hole motor driver chips, but it’s not going to be a big priority.
Pebbles and antlers
I have a bunch of ideas for little applications.
One is a game-like interactive entertainment where you contemplate a pebble. You can turn it around, zoom into its surface, etc. That’s it, just examining a pebble. The trick is, this is actually technically somewhat complex. Pebbles have structure ranging from overall shape to near-microscopic scratches and dents. To faithfully render the pebble, all of that has to show up as you look around. To save processor time and storage space, I plan to generate all of that on the fly. I’ve been advised that I should either use the Unity game engine, or write my own engine to do this.
Pebble is a proof of concept, really. The original idea was to write a game where you examine a tree. You can fly all around it, zoom into the cracks in the bark until they tower over you like canyons, zoom out until the tree is a green spot below you. There is no way to sit down and hand-make all of that data, so it pretty much has to be generated. Pebble seems like something I can do to determine that the concept is possible.
(I’m not sure if my interest in generative content is an indication that I’m into elegant, intelligent solutions, or just that I’m profoundly lazy.)
Another application is a piece of software that generates antlers. You run it, and it spits out an STL file that you can use to get the antlers 3D printed. You can modify things like how the antlers branch and curve, to get things like ibex horns or deer antlers.
(Oddly, thinking about these programs, I realize that I don’t know what trees, pebbles, or antlers look like. I mean, I can identify them, and even sort of describe them, but not with anything like the sort of description required to produce them. This is, I think, the difference between looking at things like an artist and looking at them like someone who just doesn’t want to bump into stuff.)
You've failed me for the last time,
I tried paying to renew my domain at I tried 5 times. In a normal business, if you try to pay, the business usually takes your money. Not So I’ve transferred my domain to 1&1, who will hopefully be able to take my money and provide me with goods and services in exchange.
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